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What is This Website?

This is the personal website of Helloworld (@LYZhelloworld), powered by VitePress.

VitePress is a Static Site Generator (SSG) designed for building fast, content-centric websites. In a nutshell, VitePress takes your source content written in Markdown, applies a theme to it, and generates static HTML pages that can be easily deployed anywhere.

-- What is VitePress? | VitePress

On the other side...

VitePress is a static site generator powered by Vue 3 and Vite. It is designed to be fast and lightweight, and it is indeed fast and lightweight.

-- GitHub Copilot Extension of VSCode

Use Cases

This is a personal website. The only use case is to provide information about the author and his projects.

Developer Experience

Writing Markdown is much better than writing HTML.


It depends on your browser and your network.